My Services

Hello, I am Melissa J Ashley, "Missy"

I began my Insurance Career in 2005 working at State Farm doing Property/Casualty business.

I was a captive agent with New York Life Insurance Company for 8 years and received some of the most extensive training in the field.

In 2012, I opened Ashley Insurance Services, LLC and became an Independent Broker/Agent in 2017.

My husband, Gary, helps with taking care of service issues and my son, Gavin recently joined our family business as well. Gavin is a licensed insuance agent with a college degree in Business.  He has been working in the banking industry for the past few years and has gained quite a bit of knowledge about the banking industry during his years there.

Ashley Insurance Services, LLC is a brokerage, we work with several insurance companies and offer a wide variety of products and services to help meet our clients' needs.


We are here to help guide you through the often overwhelming process of creating an insurance and financial blueprint. 

1.  We will review your individual situation and personal objectives. Every family's financial situation is unique. That's why it's so important to find out as much as I can about you and your financial goals. The more I know about you, the more precise recommendations I can make and the more I can help you. As a result, it may take some time to discuss your hopes, dreams and objectives — the things that really matter to you. 

2.  Analyze and review your needs. As needed, we will work with you to identify and prioritize your objectives, and then help establish benchmark goals. This is important because we live in a world of unlimited choices. People often fail to achieve objectives because they try to accomplish too much at once, or they don't attach specific deadlines to their goals. By breaking down your goals to specific objectives, you can look at available resources and decide which goals are realistic, which need to be adjusted and scaled down, and which simply must be abandoned. 

3.  Develop and implement a strategy to help you achieve your goals. Based on our conversation and analysis, I can recommend some insurance and financial products that can help you achieve your financial goals. 

4.  Coordinate your financial activities. If you would like, we can also coordinate your insurance and financial activities for you with the other members of your team of financial, tax and legal advisors. 

5.  Monitor progress; provide ongoing service as your needs and situation change over time. Planning is not a one-shot deal. Strategies need to be adjusted periodically as your life changes. we will work with you over the years to help keep your program on track with your changing needs.